A devastating stampede-like situation unfolded at the Sangam in Prayagraj during the Maha Kumbh Mela on the auspicious day of Mauni Amavasya. The tragic event occurred in the early hours of Wednesday, leading to multiple casualties and numerous injuries. Overwhelmed by the sheer size of the crowd gathering for a holy dip, the incident exposed challenges in managing the massive influx of devotees.
Stampede at Maha Kumbh on Mauni Amavasya
Aspect | Details |
Event | Stampede-like chaos at Sangam |
Location | Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh |
Date | Wednesday, January 2025 |
Cause | Overcrowding during Mauni Amavasya |
Casualties | Several injuries, exact figures unconfirmed |
Response | Authorities and police rushed to assist injured devotees |
Significance | Mauni Amavasya is the most important day of Maha Kumbh |
Official Info | Visit kumbhmela.gov.in for updates |
Details of the Incident
Chaos at Sangam
- Around 2 AM, a massive crowd surged across the 12-km riverbank, encompassing the Sangam and nearby ghats.
- Panic ensued as a barricade gave way, creating a stampede-like situation during the sacred Amrit Snan.
- Ambulances and police rushed to the scene, navigating the chaos to rescue the injured and transport them to nearby hospitals.
Statements from Officials
- Akanksha Rana, Officer on Special Duty, confirmed injuries but noted that exact numbers were still being assessed.
- A senior official highlighted that ineffective barricading worsened choke points, amplifying the crowd pressure.
- During the Shahi Snan, mounted police entered the waters to help manage the enormous gathering.
Significance of Mauni Amavasya
Mauni Amavasya holds immense spiritual importance during the Maha Kumbh Mela. This year, the event attracted an estimated 10 crore pilgrims, enhanced by the rare occurrence of Triveni Yog, a celestial alignment happening after 144 years.
Crowd Management Guidelines and Concerns
Pre-Event Preparations
Authorities issued comprehensive guidelines to mitigate risks:
- Pilgrims were directed to use designated lanes for orderly movement.
- Queues were formed for approaching bathing areas.
- Devotees were instructed to vacate the ghats immediately after bathing to reduce congestion.
- Barricades and pontoon bridges were set up to regulate crowd flow.
Implementation Challenges
- Many pontoon bridges were non-operational, forcing pilgrims to take overcrowded routes.
- Sanitation worker Naresh Kumar pointed out that alternative paths became heavily congested due to closed access points.
Official Responses and Actions
CM Yogi Adityanath’s Statement
- Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath assured the public that the situation was under control.
- Despite the tragedy, an estimated 8–10 crore devotees remained at the site.
- Special trains were arranged by the Railways to facilitate a safe return for pilgrims.
PM Modi’s Intervention
- Prime Minister Narendra Modi personally reviewed the situation with CM Adityanath, urging swift relief and medical assistance for the injured.
Akhara Parishad’s Decision
- The Akhil Bharatiya Akhara Parishad canceled the traditional Amrit Snan to prevent further chaos.
- Mahant Ravindra Puri, the Parishad’s president, confirmed that saints and seers refrained from bathing in solidarity with the injured.
FAQs About the Incident
What triggered the stampede?
Overcrowding at the Sangam Ghat, combined with the collapse of a barricade, caused panic among devotees.
How many people were injured?
While exact figures are unavailable, several individuals were hospitalized with injuries.
Why is Mauni Amavasya so significant?
It is the holiest day of the Maha Kumbh, with millions believing that a dip in the holy waters grants salvation.
What measures were in place for crowd control?
- Designated lanes and barricades.
- Queue systems for bathing areas.
- Instructions to avoid overcrowding.
How did authorities respond to the incident?
- Medical teams were deployed, and ambulances rushed the injured to hospitals.
- Railways arranged special trains for safe transit.
- PM Modi and CM Yogi Adityanath monitored the relief measures.
For more details, visit https://agriinfo.in now!
Sachin is a seasoned educator and writer with extensive experience in the field of education. With a deep passion for fostering learning and intellectual curiosity, he has spent many years working across various educational settings, from schools to higher education institutions. His writings often focus on the evolving landscape of education, highlighting innovative teaching methods, the integration of technology in learning, and the importance of personalized education. Sachin’s expertise and commitment to the betterment of education have made him a respected voice in the field, inspiring both students and educators alike.